An Audience of One

This week I'm doing something really radical. Something I've been considering for at least three years - maybe longer.

I decided to ask one opinion and go with it - my husband's. I told him, when we got into the car to drive to Dallas, that I wanted to talk to him about something I'd been considering for years and he said, 'that makes me really nervous.'

Not to fret - we talked through it - and he gave me the go-ahead. I think he's a little nervous about it, but he told me he loves me, no matter what, and if I feel strongly about it I should do it.

It's in keeping with everything I believe, what I value, what I think is and is not important in this life. I'm a little nervous about it too, but don't think I will regret it.

Tomorrow morning I'm driving into Dallas, will be gone much of the day, and when I get home I'll come back and tell everyone what it was, where I went, and how it turned out. No hints, at all, to anyone, but I think everyone who knows me will be surprised...


Anonymous said…
piercing or tattoo??
Karen said…
I was thinking tattoo also, or maybe a radical haircut...............can't wait to find out.
Kelli said…
I will let the things in my hear rest until tomorrow when the truth comes out- hehe. I can.not.wait to hear!!
Anonymous said…
Wow, I thought of all 3! 1st the haircut as you have been talking about doing something different with your hair, then came the thought of a piercing as I noticed that Leslie has a cute piercing on her eyebrow then came the thought of a tattoo, but wouldn't you want Don to go with you on that one? How radical I ask? Since we go way back to HS friendship I think the latter 2 would be more than the 1st (at our age - haha). Can't wait to hear & see! Have a safe trip to the big city!
Susan D
Leah said…
I'm waiting! I'm waiting! :)

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