Reminiscing about the House on Emile

I know.  There's a lot of garbage out there on the web, but there is also a lot of good. The technology we have available today amazes me. Don't even ask me what I think about iChat and FaceTime with our grandkids. Priceless.

Back in 1996, when we moved to Pennsylvania, I was chatting with a neighbor and he told me he worked out of his home, something pretty unusual then. When I asked what he did, he told me he worked 'on the internet'. I remember asking him, 'what is internet?' He proceeded to take me inside his house, pull up a website on his computer and show me a street corner somewhere in Germany that was live, that very moment. I haven't forgotten that from almost 20 years ago.

So today, doing research for some book writing, I poked around the web a bit and came up with this:

1490 Emile Street, in Beaumont, Texas. The photo was taken in 2011 but it's pretty much as I remember it from over fifty years ago, minus the palm tree and the trash can. The scrawny tree on the left was full and thriving back then, dropping its gift of pecans onto the sidewalk below.

The house has shrunk since then, or I've grown. I remember it being white, but I vividly remember so much about that house, slipping underneath it with my two little brothers to play in the wet dirt, spreading blankets and baby dolls on the side yard with my big sister, cats coming through the window screens at night. I remember watching Captain Kangaroo in that front living room, playing nurse and kitchen on the front porch while the rain came down hard, watching my sister and brothers walk to school and wanting so badly to join them. Alas, in 1960 I wasn't quite old enough. I could still walk through the front door today, and find my way around its rooms.

I'm thankful for an internet that allows me to find this so many years later, and for the memories refreshed by doing so. As an aside, if you have a home you used to live in, your grandparents' home or an old school, and you have even a remote idea of where it was, you can go to google maps, wander around a bit, switch to street view til you find it, and you too can go down memory lane. Me? I'm off to see if I can find the Terrell Park library, not very far down the street from this little blue  house that I'm sure once was white.



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