Welcome summer...

Summer is officially upon us, but then Texas felt like summer 3 months ago. We've been busy.

 So has the barn swallow;
she won the first round, raised four babies, and we're battling again before she lays another clutch of eggs above our front door;
the boathouse next door gave up the fight long ago. 

the mother killdeer chose amongst the bricks on our beach to lay her three eggs. Sometimes, when the grandkids were visiting, we'd head down and approach her nest - watch her pretend to be hurt to lead us away, then scurry towards us with feathers spread, telling us 'get away!'

We've had important end of year recitals to attend,
some more formal, requiring makeup and special outfit, tights with no runs in them

some requiring only that they remain on the stage, relatively contained,

some filled with funny hats and friends

and a little stage fright. Just too many people out there in that crowd.

There have been baby eyes to look into, 

toes to tickle, 

and little people to enjoy in general. Often this has required getting closer to the ground.

There's been a photography class at the local community college 

trips to see family

yardwork, if you can call it that...

Altogether, a very nice start to the season. And the watermelon is just starting to get really good.


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